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Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Oh well oh well. Been MIA for too long! Life's been great, many ups and downs and whatnot.. Normal stuff. Oh and now im living in Jakarta again, back to my city.. Not too fond of that but I have a job that requires me to stay in Jakarta so here I am. So, I want to write about the trip I went the other day to Bandung, me and my cousins were fabric shopping, and we went to a nice place called Lawangwangi-if im not mistaken. There's a restaurant and an art gallery as well, Bandung is famous for their art spaces but this one has one room that showed an award winning artist from Indonesia. This time, this artist, sorry to say but I forgot his name, made pantings of Java-bali ancient love stories with Sanskrit writings. That itself is pretty awesome, but to top it off, if we turn all the lights off in the room and only lit by ultra violet, the panting changed into stories from all over the world (which is similar to the java-Bali stories). And it was really cool. I was litterally jumping up and down when I saw that. 
Oh and this artis who unfortunately I forgot the name was, the second winner of International Award of Art someting.. Again, dont remember what was it called. I know, forgetting everything, story of my life. Anyway, here's the awesomeness!


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